"Perhaps the genius of ultrarunning is its supreme lack of utility. It makes no sense in a world of space ships and supercomputers to run vast distances on foot. There is no money in it and no fame, frequently not even the approval of peers. But as poets, apostles and philosophers have insisted from the dawn of time, there is more to life than logic and common sense."
- David Blaikie
dude i agree with all these mods...the hangin of the bag is key to distribution on the water bladder, and the bungee is also key for the jacket or a hat. how about adding a clip for your hat on the back too?
Weez... it's been almost a week. WHERE IS YOUR UPDATE?! The mystery of your daily training regimen is killing me. Plus, I think it helps me to train vicariously through you. The mind is a powerful thing.
Bobcat - good idea about adding a clip to the outside. That would be a good safety for anything that wriggles it's way free of the bungee too.
Z - I'm slacking on the weekly reports. I hit a point where it felt like I was over thinking it. So, I just went zen and cranked through the miles, often not keeping very good track of distance, pace, time...
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