"Perhaps the genius of ultrarunning is its supreme lack of utility. It makes no sense in a world of space ships and supercomputers to run vast distances on foot. There is no money in it and no fame, frequently not even the approval of peers. But as poets, apostles and philosophers have insisted from the dawn of time, there is more to life than logic and common sense."
- David Blaikie

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Toenail Removal Process

And now a brief intermission from all the pretty pictures from exotic running locations. Here's what ultrarunning is really about...

I've settled on a pretty straightforward approach to removing toenails that have been damaged on long runs. By damaged, I mean fluid has built up underneath the nail separating it from the connective tissue. If it gets infected this can be very painful. And if you don't remove the damaged nail it can obstruct the path of the new nail, which gets a little wonky. So, I just pull 'em off. The process is 1) soak in the tub, 2) grab one side of the nail with pliers, and 3) pull. Afterward I'll put on some antibacterial ointment and a band-Aid. Viola.


kale6291 said...

Oh my goodness, your poor toe! Can you still run with your foot like that? I hope it's not as painful as it looks.

Strange said...

gee, you have small toes.

Anonymous said...

why not just get them permanently removed?

Joseph Lea said...

Anon, my kids asked me the same question recently. It's not a bad idea actually...

Unknown said...

Maybe you need some new shoes, or perhaps your feet aren't tough enough ;) haha